Pre-Application Info Sessions
IM Program 2025 Match info sessions
The UW Internal Medicine Residency program will host virtual pre-application information sessions to provide a brief overview of the program and to answer questions for medical students who are considering applying. These are completely optional and will in no way impact consideration of applicants and their application if they choose to apply.
Registration is required. Click date to register via Zoom.
- Monday, August 19, 2024 from 10 AM to 11 AM PDT
- Tuesday, September 10, 2024 from 4 PM to 5 PM PDT
- Monday, September 23, 2024 from 12 PM to 1 PM PDT
*Note: You will need to sign in to the information session with the same name you provided in your registration.
UW NURF Diversity Town Hall
The University of Washington Network of Underrepresented Residents & Fellows (NURF) and UW GME invite individuals who identify as underrepresented in medicine (URM) and/or allies who are participating in the 2024-25 Match to a Diversity Recruitment Town Hall to learn about the UW's excellent programs, diversity initiatives, NURF, GME, and much more!
Breakout rooms for specific specialties will be available following the main presentation.

2024-25 Interview Dates
Nov 6, 8, 13*, 15, 20, 22
Dec 4, 6, 11*, 13, 18, 20
Jan 8*, 10, 15, 17
*These interviews will take place between 12:30 PM and 4:15 PM Pacific Time. Dates without an asterisk will be held from 8:30 AM to 12:15 PM.
Asynchronous Activities
Chief Resident Led Happy Hours
We the UW IM Chief Residents are so excited to meet you! Please come join us at one of our a low-key, optional, virtual happy hours! We will be talking about life at UW, Seattle, the PNW, and more, as well as answering any questions you had about the program! Feel free to bring your favorite beverage with you! Dress attire will be casual. We hope to see you there!
These sessions will be held Thursdays from 6 PM to 7 PM Pacific Time:
Nov 7, 14, 21
Dec 5, 12, 19
Jan 9, 16

The spotlight title goes here
The spotlight subtitle goes here.

The spotlight title goes here
The spotlight subtitle goes here.
Here is some example text for the sidenote. Try to keep this text short because it will live in the right-hand margin.
Resident Diversity Committee Led Happy Hours
Join the UW Internal Medicine’s Resident Diversity Committee for a casual residents-only virtual happy hour! Meet our community of residents focused on creating and improving a culture of diversity and inclusion within the program and learn more about our work on recruitment, curriculum, research, and mentorship.
These sessions will be held Thursdays from 6 PM to 7 PM Pacific Time:
Nov 19
Dec 3*, 17
Jan 14
*The RDC happy hour on December 3rd is geared towards LGBTQIA identifying applicants or those who share those identities.
***Information on how to join can be found on the Program page on Thalamus.
Physician Scientist Information Sessions
These sessions are designed for candidates committed to or highly considering research-intensive careers. During each 30-60 minute session, the Associate Program Director for Research & Scholarship will provide an overview of our research training options, including the ABIM Research Pathway and Physician-Scientist Learning Pathway, and answer audience member questions.
Nov 20 & 22
Dec 11* & 20
Jan 8* & 17
*Physician Scientist Information Sessions will take place between 4:15 PM and 5 PM Pacific Time. Dates without an asterisk will be held from 12:15 PM to 1 PM.
***Information on how to join can be found on the Program page on Thalamus.
Primary Care Information Sessions
We welcome all applicants who are considering a primary care career (including geriatrics, women’s health, and HIV-primary care) to join us! In these sessions, we will:
- Highlight the University of Washington Primary Care Track training philosophy
- Review the curricular scaffolding and a sample rotational schedule
- Discuss how the UW learning pathways (Clinician Educator, Health Systems, Health Equity, VA CoE Medical Home, Women’s Health, and HIV Primary Care) can complement PC track training
- Explore the 6 unique continuity clinics in which our PC track residents practice
- Provide ample opportunity for Q&A, as well as bios and contact information for our current PC track residents
Nov 6, 8, 13*, 15, 20, 22
Dec 4, 6, 11*, 13, 18, 20
Jan 8*, 10, 15, 17
*Primary Care Information Sessions will take place between 4:15 PM and 5 PM Pacific Time. Dates without an asterisk will be held from 12:15 PM to 1 PM.
***Information on how to join can be found on the Program page on Thalamus.