Anisha Ganguly, MD, MPH, has received the 2021 Johns Hopkins Lisa A. Cooper – David M. Levine Award for achievement in behavioral medicine and health disparities for her abstract entitled “Race and Satisfaction with Pain Management among Patients with HIV Receiving Long-Term Opioid Therapy.”
"Management of chronic pain is an essential aspect of HIV primary care. Previous literature in the general population has elucidated racial disparities in the evaluation and treatment of pain," Dr. Ganguly writes. "This study examined racial/ethnic differences in patient satisfaction and barriers to pain management among a cohort of patients with HIV receiving long-term opioid therapy."
Lisa A. Cooper, MD, MPH, is the James F. Fries Professor of Medicine in the Division of General Internal Medicine and holds joint appointments in the Bloomberg School of Public Health and School of Nursing. She is the Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Equity in Health and Healthcare and in 2020 was named director of the Johns Hopkins Urban Health Institute. Her pioneering research has sought to document and then address the needs of populations experiencing health disparities. David M. Levine, MD, MPH, ScD, is Professor Emeritus of Medicine and Health Behavior & Society and former Director of the Division of General Internal Medicine. In recognition of his unsurpassed reputation as a research mentor, the Department of Medicine at Hopkins has institutionalized his legacy with the annual “Levine Award” for outstanding faculty mentors. Dr. Levine is renowned for his research on health behaviors related to disparities in cardiovascular risk and disease.